Read about Creating Sunshine Forever CF Fighters
“I am so grateful for Creating Sunshine Forever! I have been hospitalized 4 times in the last year for Cystic Fibrosis. This has been such a huge change for me. Before this year I was working and significantly healthier, but it was like after fighting a few bugs successfully while working my body was exhausted and my lungs took a bad turn. So I have ended up having to stop working and instead spend my time racking up medical bills full time. I became a mother to 8 kids before I found out I had Cystic Fibrosis. I wasn’t diagnosed until after my twins were born. My husband’s first wife passed away and left him a widower with four kids. So his four kids combined with the four kids I gives us our 8 kids. We have been married for 11 years now. I was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis about 6 years ago. I don’t think any of the years with Cystic Fibrosis have been easy by any means, but this last year I ended up hospitalized four times and became unable to work at my job anymore and just became so far behind on so many things. It has been an ongoing challenge as I have continued to fight various lung bugs, liver problems and Stomach issues. It feels like just when I figure out one thing another thing hits. So one day I was staring at my medical bill from the hospital when a friend of mine who also deals with cystic fibrosis called and was telling me about this amazing organization that had helped her out. I asked her to send me the link because I could sure use some help. I was amazed at how quickly Creating Sunshine Forever responded to my plea for help and how quickly they paid what they said they would pay. It was such a relief to me and I am so grateful for people who donate their time and money to help. It really does help with the daily battles that we fight. Thank you.”
Angeline, 38

"Thank yall so much for what you do. I always dread going to the doctor because my health insurance isn't that great and the Dr bills add up quickly and there have been times where I had to prioritize feeding my family over my health, so to have better health and feed my family means everything. So thank you!”d that help was on its way. I am so grateful for the positive impact they have made on my life!”
Wade, 33
“I'm so grateful to Creating Sunshine Forever for helping my family and I with a medical bill. After two lung transplants, we are working our way through a pile of medical bills, and their help came at a critical time within the pandemic. We are so grateful to them and all who support this organization. Thank you for helping patients like me fight these diseases and medical bills! You are inspiring hope and a future!”
Dylan, 41
“2020 was a rough year for most anybody you ask. And the financial effects of 2020 are still in full swing. Between living expenses and medical bills, I found myself unable to afford nutritional groceries. There have been several weeks of just canned soup and ramen for my family. But thanks to Creating Sunshine Forever, I am blessed to receive some extra grocery money, so that I can fill my shopping cart with healthful, nutritious foods for my family. After living with CF for more than 25 years, I know how important eating well is, in addition to sticking with my treatments. What a blessing it is to be able to receive this kind of support from the CF community! Thank you Creating Sunshine Forever”
Lauren, 25
“I was married and happy at 25. It took us what seemed forever to get pregnant. I found out in 2011, that we were going to start a family. I had lots of test done, that’s when I found out I have CF. I had to see a high risk doctor and a pulmonary doctor. This diagnosis explained visits to hospital, all the mucus I have, and getting sick a lot. I didn’t let this break me down from having my little miracle. My daughter, Trinity, was born Dec 2011. In 2013 my husband left us, and we got a divorce. I was scared, but I knew God is always with us. I went to college and graduated. I wanted to make a great life for us. Being a single mom is hard and challenging, but I know this is what was planned for us. It’s been a struggle getting the healthy food that we need. Creating Sunshine Forever has helped get the healthy food I need and I thank them so much. 😊”
Stacy, 36

“2021 has definitely been a big year for me. While I got to experience some exciting things this year, I have also experienced some rather scarier things too. By that, I’m meaning with my health. I’ve been admitted to the hospital three times (April, June, October) this year for my CF. October being the most worrisome hospital visit as my left lung REALLY struggled at that point in time. I had a SEVERE case of Pneumonia along with a CF exacerbation. Without the help from the Creating Sunshine Forever group, I probably wouldn’t be sitting here typing this out right now and I seriously mean that. They were able to directly send me the funds that day so that I could make it to my pulmonologists office, and from there I was immediately rushed to the hospital to be admitted. They have also paid for the gas for all my follow-up visits ever since then, along with another long distance specialist appointment too. Before all that took place, they even offered to pay my whole rent bill for the month of October because I was struggling with that as well. Needless to say, I am BEYOND grateful to have come across such a wonderful organization! They are the true definition of LIFESAVERS and I can’t thank them enough!!! God bless y’all ❤️”

“I have CF and am taking Trikafta. It has changed my life so much for the better. But I found myself in some rough waters. My son tested positive for Covid-19 and the next day I did as well. I had to be home for 10 days without pay due to work policy (no Covid-19 paid time, my short term disability insurance wouldn’t cover it, and I had no PTO saved because it is a new job). 10 days may not seem like a lot but it was going to put us behind with bills. Creating Sunshine Forever helped myself and my little family out and the process was smooth. CSF paid our electric bill. I was able to breathe a sigh of relief and have some weight lifted off of my shoulders, and for that, I am forever grateful. ♥️”
A Grateful Cyster
“After a hospitalization delayed my graduation, Creating Sunshine Forever was there to assist me with paying rent and medical bills. The application process was easy and the reply was fast, helping me feel reassured that I was not alone and that help was on its way. I am so grateful for the positive impact they have made on my life!”
Camille, 25

“My name is Whitney and I have cystic fibrosis. I heard about creating sunshine forever through another CFfriend. Unfortunately with cf you get lots of medical bills. From eIther doctors appointments, hospital stays, medication and even IVs. Well in February, I was on home IVS and got a bill for a rather large amount. So I applied for the creating sunshine forever grant. And they paid it all. I was stressing on how we could afford to pay another bill with all the other medical bills we have. It was such a blessing to us.”
Whitney, 32
“My name is Lisa, and I am 49 years old living with Cystic Fibrosis. My husband and I have been married for twenty-four wonderful years with two typical, yet sweet teenagers, neither of which have Cystic Fibrosis, and for that we are grateful! I am a teacher by trade and I homeschooled my children most of their school age life. I was always sick growing up, but CF was never considered for a kid growing up in the 1970’s and 80’s. As I got older in my teens and twenties, sinus infections and lung infections became the norm, and I was constantly on antibiotics. It wasn’t later until age thirty-eight that I was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. Lung function was pretty steady at that time, holding in upper nineties, but overtime, being hit with different types of lung infections (the most recent being Burkholderia cepacia), my FEV1 dropped to 75%. Over the years, chronic pancreatitis and kidney issues reared their ugly heads, but thankfully, all is being managed. I have a remarkable support system with my husband, children, and mother that encourage me to do treatments and are there to help in any way they can. I’m also very thankful for the most generous support of the Creating Sunshine Forever team. They have allowed my family to be relieved of pressing bills, one of which was in collections. To know that they understand and care with no strings attached, is just a testament to their passion for helping fellow CF’ers and their families. Many blessings to the CSF team and to all who read this!”
Lisa, 49
“Creating Sunshine Forever is a truly wonderful group that helped to alleviate stress and debt in my life. We welcomed our amazing Trikafta baby 5.5 weeks early and in the following weeks I had to have many tests and procedures due to my cystic fibrosis and management of lung function. My husband and I felt completely overwhelmed by the bills coming in while navigating no sleep parenthood. I applied for help and they covered ALL of our debt. I felt like I could finally take a breath of air. Words cannot cover how grateful we are and how helpful they were. The application process was easy and the response was incredibly fast. They were also very quick to pay the bills as many had gone to collections. A true lifesaver!!”
Shannon, 33
“The day we found out Zoey had CF was the scariest day the family had felt and a very long time. Zoey is 15 and comes from a big family. She has 2 sisters and two brothers. Zoey is the most amazing little woman you would ever meet. She creates sunshine everywhere she goes and looks out for her whole family. At some point she must have heard me and her step monther talking about hospital bills. She had went on and applied for a grant just to help us. If it was not for Creating Sunshine Forever we would be swimming in hospital bills. We will always be grateful for the help they did for Zoey aka “bug”. Thank you again so much for all the help.”
Jason Lucas on behalf of his daughter Zoey

“Hello we just want to take a moment to say thank you so so much. We will forever be grateful for your help. Chase is a 10 year old boy with cystic fibrosis and autism(been in quarantine since beginning of pandemic) I am a single mom working part time. I became sick the beginning of the year with covid and then unfortunately chase also tested positive and I was unable to work due to our illness. Creating sunshine really took a lot of stress off of us as I was unaware how I could afford my full rent come feb 1st. I reached out and they quickly responded and now I will be able to pay my rent this coming month. I couldn’t thank you enough and appreciate your quick response, we are so grateful! Hope you all have a safe and healthy new year!!! Ours was rough but Our new year will begin February 1,2022 ♥️😊”
Vivian on behalf of her ten year old son Chase

“My name is Sarah Johnson and I am 18 years old. I recently got married last year was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis as a baby. From there on I've been a CF Warrior! Non stop hospital stays, constant doctor visits, bloodwork, piccline ivs, feeding tubes, home ivs, and lots of surgeries, to try to better my life and increase my lifespan. and moved out with my amazing supportive husband. I When I was younger I was constantly in and out of the hospital for my pancreas and inability to gain weight. I have always struggled with my weight, and I weighed only 110 lbs. I also have Cystic Fibrosis Related Diabetes, and sometimes it makes it hard to work and go places. Due to medical bills and expenses food is sometimes the last thing that we could afford. There was days when we was unsure when we would be able to purchase food again. I Take shots everytime I eat, drink, or have a high sugar reading. My diabetes is another story that I struggle with but that's okay because I got this!! Life has been a journey definitely, but My book is NOT done yet!! ” -
-Sarah , 18

“I am very thankful for Creating Sunshine for helping me get fitness equipment. Due to CF i have low bone density in my lower back. The best thing to help with pain and stiffness is to exercise. I see a chiropractor regularly and he suggested i get a stretch trainer chair to keep me flexible so i can perform better during workouts, and not strain my back. I didn’t have the money for this equipment so i reached out to Creating Sunshine and they were very quick to respond and i had my equipment within over a week. I am very thankful and already noticing improvement in my mobility thanks to the team.”
Austin, 24
“The grant from CSF was instrumental in helping me to resume counseling services. I was in a dark place and the ability to re-start counseling has made a huge difference. Thank you!!"
- Anonymous
" The grant from Creating Sunshine Forever was a true life saver. It helped me get back on my feet, providing me the opportunity to concentrate on my health. My stress and anxiety had sky rocketed, but the grant provided me with the support I needed to get back on track. I am so, so thankful"
Jessica, 30
"Wow! Wow! Wow! The grant from CSF helped me through a really difficult time. Without your help, I would have lost my job and ability to stay independent. Thank you so very much! CF exacerbations can be life disrupting and you helped me make it through."
Anonymous, 29
“Words cannot adequately express our gratitude to Maddy and Creating Sunshine Forever. Mounting hospital bills, a pandemic, and paying out of pocket for some inhaled medications has really put a strain on our family financially. Creating sunshine helped take some of that burden off our shoulders by paying an overdue hospital bill and feeding our family for a week when money was so tight we weren’t sure how we would be able to eat. Creating sunshine really does help shine a light into lives and we will forever be thankful for their kindness and generosity.”
A Grateful CFer

“Creating Sunshine Forever has been a huge lifesaver for me. It helped me get the extra amount of food I needed and also enabled me to get my vitamins that I otherwise was unable to afford. This grant is a god send, and I know the grant doesn’t sound like a lot to a lot of people but it’s been a massive help to me. Thank you Creating Sunshine Forever, you have helped more than you could possibly know!!
Jared, 32
“I have to thank the creating sunshine forever community so much for their prompt generosity in my time of need. I am a medical student that ran out of funds over the summer that was in desperate need of money to cover my rent and this community provided for me. It helped me more than anyone could possibly understand. As a future physician with CF I will make sure that this community is first on my list for donations. Sending this community love and good vibes :)”
Matt, 24
"We are so GRATEFUL to Creating Sunshine Forever! they helped my 14-year-old with Cystic Fibrosis have a fantastic Christmas and I will be forever grateful."